Friday, September 18, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidifitri

Salam to all my friends and bloggers.....
I would like to wish all a happy holidays and Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir batin

As usualtowards raya has been always a busy time.....this year i took the risk of taking orders for my cookies and are some of the orders.....which i have made...and also with the kind help from Linda my petit cute neighbour sister.......she has been a wonderful neighbour,sister and also a listener..i cant thank her enough for all the help she has extended to me and we manage to sell cookies n chocs at the lobby of her office( well she did all the selling and became the chef in baking he he)....thanks linda...ur an angel in heaven and kak aida wish that Allah swt be wt you and your family all through....


nurdia said...

selamat hari raya kak aida.... maaf zahir batin... hati2 dalam perjalanan balik ke kampung....