Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday To Kreesha....Happy Birthday To You

It was the most touching moments of my life to witness the tears of a 6 yr old girl overwhelmed with the presence of her dad to the kindergarden which she was attending...infact she was so shy that her dad was around...with all her friends around Kreesha couldnt have ask for a better time to celebrate her birthday plus her parents Mr & Mrs Sajiv and her sibbling a younger sister....
As usual I with my non punctuality syndrome...only God knows what had happened...managed to bake Kreesha's cake so much so I also baked a second 20 pieces cuppies of chocolates with very colourful buttercream swirl topping and all the tempting chocolate rice....unfortunately I forgot to snap picture ....ouch....what a waste because it will contribute to the cake picture here with the colors that I mixed.
Anyway that is done and I am glad I made it and I apologised for the delayed to Mr & Mrs Sajiv.
I baked a moist chocolate cake and cover it with citrus flavor white buttercream...the skirting is actually cocoa chocolate buttercream.....the children just love it......
hmmmm.....cant remember what actually happen when i turned 6 year old many trillion years ago.....( all know what i mean).....he he
To Kreesha ....Happy 6th Birthday .... girl..... from Aunty Aida......
To Mr & Mrs Sajiv......thank you again for the support....God bless.....